Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy TWO MONTH Birthday H!!!!

Some interesting tidbits on Miss H:
- If she gets upset in the car, the only way she can be calmed is to roll the windows down and turn the music up.  As soon as the car comes to a stop she will start to cry again - hence, we hate red lights at moments like that!
- She loves to be walked around upright on your chest with her back patted.  If you stop walking she will start to fuss as she needs to constantly have a change of scenery.
- Suddenly she likes to be cradled in my arms in order to fall asleep - she will nuzzle her face into the crease of my arm... cute but don't want her nuzzling her face in things to become a habit.
- Her new way of showing she's tired is rubbing her face/eyes against our chest.
- In our house, we hate the hiccups!! 
- She loves to be read or sang too - and if we're lucky, she'll join us by babbling or cooing along :) 
- She's emotional... not sure who she gets that from - ha! 
- She grunts a lot in her sleep... so much that I had to move her out of our room this week, I couldn't handle it any more.
- She's s-l-o-w-l-y becoming a better sleeper.
- This past week she has really discovered her tongue, she's been making lots of noises with it lately. 
- She doesn't sit still - if she's on your chest and doesn't want to be - she will lift her head and move it where she wants!!  Watch out world once she starts to move around! 

We've been learning lots more about Hayden as each day comes and goes, I cannot believe that she is already two months old, she's growing up so fast!!  We've had more playdates with her "friends" ;) and we even started Mom and Baby class last week which was nice to chat with other new moms and fun to see other babies that are so close in age to H.  I finally brought her into work (where she did oh so well!) and she also was able to meet her Uncle Nate (that will be in another post!). 

Today she had her two month check up (kinda fun since it's her official two month birthday).  I was sooo worried about how she (and, ahem.. I) would handle the shots - what can I say, we have a tough little cookie and she did so well!!  She definitely cried when she got them, but immediately stopped once back in her momma's arms ;)  And, in case you're wondering, I didn't shed a tear which I was quite proud of!  She's grown a lot which explains why she still needs to eat as often as she does. And maybe someday soon she will sleep for a nice chunk of the night (pretty, pretty please!?!)

H's two month stats:
Height - 23 inches 75th %
Weight - 10lb 8.5oz 50th %
Head size - 38.3cm - 25-50th %

So... she's long and skinny - and according to her dad, on her way to becoming 6'2" - (boo! I hope not that tall) but, she'll probably surpass me that's for sure!! 

We love Miss H soooo much and are beyond blessed to have such a happy, healthy little girl - she is amazing and reminds us of that every day :)  We'll get her two month photo once she's awake (yep, she's napping - woo hoo!) and get those up for everyone to see our growing little pumpkin!!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

A little slice of Hayden...

Mommy seeing Hayden for the first time!!

Daddy and his baby girl
First time holding Hayden.

Haydens very first bath.
Welcome to the world Hayden Kylee :)
My loves ;)
Our jaundice baby...
first time suntanning

Hello World!
Leaving the hospital (she wasn't too thrilled)
first time with a Nuk (only way we could calm her when leaving the hospital)
Home Sweet Home
First bath at home.
1 week old!
Sweet baby girl..
First time in the tub - she likes bath time!
First time drinking from a bottle!
"I Love the Nightlife" - oh so true for her - thanks Janine ;)
First kiss with Hunter Reger ;) 
First playdate with Collin Lee ;)
(19 days apart)

She loves her play mat!!
Another cute one of our baby girl ;)
Our first night away from Miss Hayden - celebrating My Golden Birthday!! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

H is already 6 weeks old - where has the time gone!?!

The past few weeks have been such a whirlwind!  I really had no idea that this is what my days would be like once Miss H arrived - but, she brings an absolute joy to us each and every day!  She definitely hasn't been much of a sleeper since her arrival which has taken a toll on me.  When people told me to prepare for no sleep, I thought that wouldn't be an issue since I tend to do well on little sleep - ha!  I learned that they weren't kidding.  The 45 minutes here and there that I managed to get definitely didn't keep this momma going for long!  But, things are slowly improving in the sleep category - let's pray that it will continue to improve too!!!

Some interesting things about Hayden:
She is very strong, she has amazed people since she was born how she could hold her head up and look all around.  She is constantly looking at the world around her and is so alert!  When she wants something, she will let you know - and if she's not comfortable, she will grunt like crazy!!  She is obsessed with her hands (which hasn't changed since she was in me!).  We still don't know what color her eyes will be... and it's driving this momma crazy to not know :)
She is growing like a weed - has recently started to wear size 0-3 month clothing as she's outgrown newborn sizes in length.  And, either today or tomorrow she will begin wearing size one diapers (... sniffle...). 

The past two weeks she is really beginning to show her personality.  She will lay on her play-mat and just coo and babble like crazy.  She loves our wall of windows and get's excited when the sun comes through.  She is getting very smiley and first thing in the morning is her most happy time of the day!! 

We finally have our computer operating so photos will be up soon!!  Much love to everyone and we're hoping to keep the updates coming far more often :)
