Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 39 update (July 15th)

6 days to go!!!

Just wanted to update everyone quickly...

I went to the dr this morning (week 39 check-up) and was advised that nothing had changed with this little one. She's still as high up as can be with no signs of coming down at all. So.... get yourselves ready for her arrival on the 21st!!!!

The dr agreed with me that she's growing - he is always in disbelief of how much baby I am! It's crazy that each day I wake up bigger than I thought I ever could be - so, I'm anxious what her size will be.

All right family, this is the last update until her arrival!!!!

A+J+????? Bailey

07.09.10 Update

Update from yesterdays apt (July 8th) --

Well... sadly this little girl hasn't budged any further down than last weeks visit. She has a LONG
ways to come down before being "engaged".

So, currently this is the plan -- I will go in for my 39 week check on the 15th as scheduled - she still could drop (should that apt indicate that she has, then plans could change). Otherwise, the plan is for me to have her on JULY 21st by c-section!!! Now the positive news is that Dr. H would be doing the c-section (he is my dr and my favorite -- and did my last laparoscopy procedure - which always reassures things). So, I feel that for right now this is the plan that's meant to be for us. It is still possible that I could go into labor on my own, and they would then need to determine if she is low enough at that time or not, etc., This little one has sure kept us on our toes throughout the past few months - but we are anxious to meet her, hold her, ooh and aah over her, and love her more than anything in the world!!!

That's the plan so I just wanted to let you all know!!

I think our family's new favorite # is the 21st = the day that we were married and the day that we will welcome our daughter into our arms -- I love it!!

A+J+???? :)

37 week update (from July 1, 2010)

Well... I will be 37 weeks on Saturday -- and, it's JULY which means we get to meet this precious little thing SOON!! I've definitely learned that I can take on pregnancy up until about week 34 - then, I'm not so much a fan of it! Any how, I just got back from the dr office - didn't really hear the news that I was hoping for. She is not as low as they would like her to be which is causing no pre-labor signs at all!! Usually a baby is in position (low) causing dilation, etc., by week 38 for sure (or, ahem, usually by now!) - so.. this chick better get movin!! I do NOT want her to stay in this position as that would result in a c-section. Pray that she gets a movin and a shakin and starts getting lower!!

My swelling is getting worse and worse so they will keep watching that as well and want me to call if it gets drastic (which I feel it already is - ha!). When the dr thinks it's bad at 9:45am, he should see what it's like by 7pm!!

Any ways... just wanted to update you all - we'll learn a LOT at next week's visit on Thursday - let's hope it's all good!!

PS: Little stinker scared the heck out of us too by positioning herself so we couldn't hear her heart for a bit too - I tell ya, she sure likes to put me in a tizzy!!