Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!!

Since Hayden has slept awful the past two nights and then decides to wake up insanely early, I might as well take this time to blog :)  So you all can benefit from my lack of sleep, right?
I just wanted to take this moment to say Merry Christmas to all of you!!  Enjoy this amazing time of the year to celebrate with friends and family.  It's a very bittersweet time for me - already this morning I've shed tears for missing my brother so much.  It's hard to think that while we are enjoying this exciting time and eating delicious food in the company of those we love the most, he is away fighting for our freedom - I'm really struggling with that and hate that it is so out of my control. But, with that said - it's Miss H's FIRST Christmas and we are going to make sure that it's the most amazing time for her.  Santa has been working hard to get everything just perfect for her and we plan to take many photos to document this special weekend for her. 
We are fortunate enough to get to spend the next 3 days with our families - so, a blog will be done on all the festivities for sure :)

Last weekend Hayden met Santa Claus.  She was fortunate enough to have met him at her daycare party, but since J & I weren't there to wtitness, we had to have her experience it with us too.  So... she did very well at the beginning, putting on a nice big smile for Mrs. Claus and then sitting on Santa's lap with no problem.  Truthfully, I think that she was staring at the million flashes going off in front of her.
Then she had a minute to realize that mom and dad were both staring back at her... so, why not check out who is holding her??

It was quite quickly after locking eyes with Santa that the crying started.  But, she did very well and we were able to get some cute pictures :)

Again I want to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas!!  We definitely have a white one too!

Here is a few more adorable pics of Miss H to leave you off with :)
Merry Christmas, Love -

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oh Miss H!!

Mommy & Miss H

My Loves

Hi Megan!

Baptism - Godparents Tara & Ben

First day of daycare

Some laughs!

3 months old!!


Our Little Kitty - H's first Halloween

Look at my baby!!

Typical H style - scoochin away

H's thighs - ;)


4 months old!!

First time with rice cereal - no thank you!

Gross Mom!

Dad - save me....

Love, A+J+H

Almost 5 months -- YIKES!

To say that I'm a little behind on my blog is an understatement - where oh where does the time go?!?  Seriously, I have gone to the computer to do an update far too many times over the past, ahem, couple of months - how embarrassing!  Maybe my New Years Resolution should be - Quit Procrastinating ;) 

Any way, on to the important stuff - that beautiful baby girl of ours who is almost - FIVE months old!  I really cannot believe it.  She is growing up so incredibly fast!!  I wish that I could sit and fill you in on all of the happenings over the course of the past few months, however, there just isn't enough time.  So, we will sum Miss H as best we can in a brief blog post. 

She is the HAPPIEST baby - seriously, she wakes up with a smile on her face that puts you in a good mood no matter what hour of the day it is.  She couldn't light up our lives any more than she does with that big gummy grin of hers.  She is constantly keeping us on our toes as she jumps like crazy in her jumperoo, tries oh so hard to roll over (she has mastered ONE time from back to tummy, and ONE time from tummy to back), will do everything in her power to get out of the bouncer chair and the Bumbo.  If you put her sitting somewhere, you better keep a close eye on her as she will scoot her way out of the position you leave her in.  She constantly is watching the world around her and taking every little detail in.  She definitely likes to be heard and makes lots of babbling sounds, will try and imitate you and screeches and squeels with the best of them (in our house, you definitely can tell there's a little GIRL ruling the roost!). 

We have been so blessed by our daycare with Kirstie.  She is doing a wonderful job with Hayden and I'm so thankful that we found her.  She is continuously sending photos of Hayden and her happenings at daycare, whether it be sending a picture home each day on a note or via email or text message.  Such a wonderful treat to get pictures of my girl sent to me while I'm at work.  And, Hayden definitely gets quite the attention at Kirsties which she definitely loves.  She just loves watching all of the kids ;)  Couldn't have found a better place to have her at while Jas and I are busy at work! 

Our household is trying to get everything ready for Miss H's first Christmas!!  Such an exciting week we have ahead of us - one that will hold lifelong memories.  We'll definitely be missing some of our favorites this year: my brother, my Grandpa and Jason's Granny - but, we know that my brother is serving our Country (thank you Nate!) and we have two extra Angels watching over us ;) 

(Photos will be uploaded separately as it's not allowing me to upload them right now)

Happy Holidays - Love,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My American Hero...

Well... I've had the intentions of writing this post for the past 6 weeks.  The problem is, it's a very emotional one and therefore very easy for me to keep putting off.  But, reality is here - my brother, whom I love so very, very much, is leaving soon for Afghanistan.  There -  Words that already sting my heart to say, or even write. 
I like to think that my brother and I are very close - not that we need to talk often or see each other all the time - it's different than that.  There is such a strong bond between the two of us from our "growing up" years.  Anyone who knows me well knows that my siblings and I are spread out in age.  Amy is 8 years older than I, Kara 5 years older and Nate is 6 years younger.  So... it was Nate and I in the household together for many years.  We happened to still be young when my parents divorced, so were together at home with my mom and during our visits to my dads.  It was always Nate and I.  The brother that I was so proud to be a big sister of and the brother that I still am proud to be a big sister of.  :)
Well... this year began with my brother heading to boot camp for the Army - he went to Fort Benning Georgia.  He successfully completed that in early May, was home a brief period of time and then left for Fort Polk Louisiana.  We knew that he would be getting deployed this fall and were blessed by a brief (as in pretty much one full day brief) visit from him on September 9, 2010 - it was an amazing day.  My entire family spent the day at my dad's, all together, to spend that day with Nate.  And, Hayden was able to meet her uncle for the first time - priceless.  So... that brings us to now - preparing to say our "see you laters" to him.  How do you do that?  I'm not exactly sure myself. 
But, if you go back to my first blog entry, it was about my Grandpa.  Amazingly enough, Nate got home from boot camp and was able to visit my Grandpa in the hospital in full uniform - I know that my Grandpa was proud of him and beaming inside :)  Nate was also granted a few extra days to be home for the funeral and was able to present the American Flag to my Grandma during the ceremony at Camp Ripley (sorry, I'm not too savvy with all of the proper terminology of this stuff) - an incredible honor that we were all able to watch him do.  The reason I mention this is because my Grandpa was stationed at Fort Polk Louisiana as well... it's as though it was meant to be.... and I know that my Grandpa will be watching over and keeping Nate safe!!
So, please keep my brother in your thoughts and prayers as he will be spending the next year protecting us and our country.  I don't really know what more to say, I'm not one to be speechless often, but this topic does that to me!  Again, I don't need to say much - I love my brother so much and admire what he does and he will continue to do for us - he's not only my brother, he's my American Hero!
I love you Nate!!!! 
Until I see you again.... See you later!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Week one = success!

WOW - amazing to think how much things have changed with Miss H over the past couple of weeks - we have come sooo far and each day keeps getting better and better. 

Hayden turned 12 weeks old this past Wednesday which meant that it was time for me to return to work - Boo!!  But, this week really could not have gone any better.
Week one = success!! 
Thankfully J and I had it worked out that he would stay home with H my first week back to work, that way we could slowly transition ourselves into the new routine.  And, J + H could do daddy-daughter bonding ;)  I think that was the best idea we could have had - I shed more tears thinking about going back to work, than actually doing it.  I worked Tuesday through Thursday - our company gives you a "baby day" for the week you return to work - so, thanks for that I am sitting here staring at my beautiful baby girl sleep while I type this.  So, the return to work went well - my unit had the most beautiful bouquet of flowers on my desk to greet me with, which put a nice smile on my face - and truthfully, it was nice to have some adult interaction ;)  But I missed H tons and couldn't wait to get home to her - the best part of the day came when I got home, Hayden saw me and immediately leaned toward me - ahhhh, talk about melting your heart!?!  And, J survived stay at home daddy mode for those 3 days - even though he had to point out the first day that he barely got to eat, he still hadn't finished his "cold" cup of coffee and a shower hadn't fit into the day ;)  yesssss... that's what the days are like! 

This past week we have made MAJOR progress in the sleep department - and I mean MAJOR!!  So much that I don't know what to do with myself and the sleep I've racked up lately (even though work sucked the energy right out - ha!).  Last Saturday Miss H decided that she would sleep 7 hours, wake up briefly and sleep 4 more!  That trend has continued on, going into 8 straight hours and last night she didn't wake up at all - ELEVEN straight hours of sleep!!!  Now... that doesn't mean that I've managed as much sleep as I still wake up and run to check on her every so often - but, apparently miracles do happen as she slept the ENTIRE night - if you can't tell, I'm still amazed and in disbelief.  The other great thing in the sleep category is she is starting to nap like a champ as well.  This makes our days much easier as we then have a happy baby on our hands :) 

Miss H has discovered her hands the past week or two - it is so cute to watch her sit and admire those ten little fingers on those chubby little hands - she sits and moves them into fists, brings them to her mouth, holds onto the rattle and rings with them and gets so darn proud of herself - we do too of course ;) 
She LOVES when you sing the ABC's to her and smiles and coo's/"sings" along with you!  And, when talking about coo'ing - she really likes to hear her voice and try out new sounds of all pitches these days too!  Let's just say we definitely have a girl in the house :)  And, that little girl is quick to stick out a bottom lip when she's upset! 

We've been keeping busy between getting Miss H on her routine, finishing up Mom & Baby Class, transitioning into the working world, enjoying walks with this beautiful weather and even managing to drive up north to visit "Dambro" - my dad and Gayla's 80 acres of land that they purchased :) 

Life in the Bailey household is absolutely amazing - we love, love, love each day with Miss H and seeing her new discoveries!!  Each day is an absolute blessing!!

Love to you all,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Haydens Haven

Thought we'd share how Hayden's Haven turned out - note that it is not this clean any longer - ha!  These were captured prior to her arrival :)

Our precious girl... enjoy!!

Had to take a picture of how Hayden stayed once I set her down, was too cute to pass up

Mommy and Hayden

Too cute to not capture

Addison Vaughan and Hayden :)

What Hayden likes to do during tummy time

Colton Sauerwein and Hayden

Two month shot war wounds - poor girl, but she was one tough cookie!

My baby girl...


So sweet!

Ha, this is what happens when I try to get something accomplished - I come back to her looking like this :)


Our family - Jasons BIG 3-0!!

Awww... look at that smile!

And another one :)

Keelin Morud and Hayden

Hayden's first football game - cousin Isaiahs 9th grade homecoming game.  She brought them good luck as they won!!

First trip to Pine Tree Apple Orchard

Enjoying apple pie a'la mode